Receta de Torta con manteca
Recipe sponge cake in cake ring – Biskuit in
Tip: The plate should be more or less the same temperature of the dough, so I used two: one was in the oven with some disks and the other waiting for it to cool and continue cooking the various covers.
When the syrup reaches 125 degrees and if you pour a drop in a glass of water forms a hard ball, it is ready to pour it to edge over the egg whites, pouring it slowly against the walls of the bowl of the processor . Continue beating the egg whites until they return to room temperature.
Hello people! I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this crazy cake. It’s not crazy because it contains narcotics; I’ll make it clear from the start! The crazy thing about the cake is that it has no eggs, no butter, no milk or anything like that. But that’s a bit long to put in the title, and I didn’t want to put vegan cake either; this cake existed before veganism. So, you see: crazy cake.
I’m not vegan (as you may have noticed), but it did happen to me that I wanted to make a cake and didn’t have eggs, nor the desire to buy them (there is also a shortage of butter and milk, but cakes with oil or water are more common).
But hey, in the end I ended up making this cake one day when I did have eggs and butter and all the usual suspects. But I had recently seen this post and I was very curious about the cake, which in addition to being easy and cheap, it was said to be very tasty!
And another thing, this cake can be made in many flavors (see this post, at the top). But I have the feeling that the chocolate one must be the best, not only because it’s chocolate (duh), but because the cocoa gives it like… something extra. I don’t know what it is. Oh, and also the cake is pretty light since it has only 5 tablespoons of oil in it.
Pasteleria Creativa: Butter Cake
Place an acetate ribbon around the ring, then a biscuit tray. Place a biscuit circle at the base. Fill with half of the mousse and place the second biscuit disk. Finish filling the ring. Smooth, cool and place the strawberry glacage, figures made with pate a cigarette and red fruits.
Place an acetate ribbon around the ring, then a biscuit tray. Place a biscuit circle at the base. Fill with half of the mousse and place the second biscuit disk. Finish filling the ring. Smooth, cool and place the strawberry glacage, figures made with pate a cigarette and red fruits.
Disclaimer: Nutrition facts are derived from linked ingredients (shown at left in colored bullets) and may or may not be complete. Always consult a licensed nutritionist or doctor if you have a nutrition-related medical condition.
Esta torta está volviendo loco al mundo , porque es
Ahora la receta…Ponqué es la versión colombiana del pound cake, que es básicamente un pastel hecho con partes iguales de cada ingrediente, harina, mantequilla y azúcar. Nuestra versión colombiana es húmeda, mantecosa y rica, muy similar a la versión americana.
Tengo tantos recuerdos de infancia de los momentos que pasé con mi mamá, pero los que más me gustan son los momentos que pasamos horneando y cocinando juntas. Este pastel me trae muchos recuerdos de la infancia. Crecí comiendo este postre.
Sobre Erica DinhoMi nombre es Erica y nací y crecí en Colombia y ahora vivo en el noreste de Estados Unidos con mi marido y mi familia. Este blog fue inspirado por mi abuela, Mamita, que era una increíble cocinera tradicional colombiana.